Wednesday, 22 July 2009

New Directions in Surveillance and Privacy

I'm currently reading the edited collection 'New Directions in Surveillance and Privacy' by Benjamin Goold and Daniel Neyland, in order to review it for Information, Communication and Society.

Interesting so far, some very competant chapters, although I'm waiting for a few more new directions (I think they're coming). More when the review gets more substantial, or at the very least, a link to it when it gets published.


Upcoming Identinet conference in September in Oxford, which I'll probably be trying to get to. (it's on the weekend of the 26/27th)

The project's done a fair bit of work on identity in comparative and historical perspective, and has some major players involved.

and the bibliography is a great place to start - and I'd probably point students interested in this area, or any PhD student I might end up supervising in the future, towards this.