
This page is an attempt to collate various sources that I encounter during my research into a resource list.
Any suggestions on items to add are most welcome, as are any reports of broken links (d.barnardwills at cranfield dot ac dot uk).

VOME project - privacy and consent online
Making Sense of Privacy and Publicity - Dana Boyd's talk at SXSW, March 2010
Redrawing the Route to online Privacy - Steve Lohr, New York Times
Google responseds to privacy concerns with unsettling specific apology - The Onion (Satire)
The Information Commissioner's Office 
Privacy as a Social Problem, not a technolgy problem - Ed Felten - Centre for Information Technology Policy
US Justice Department - investigative techniques on social networks (from Wired)
Michael Zimmer's blog - (information ethics, privacy, new media, values in design)
Privacy International
Privacy rights and Privacy responsibilities - Kieron O'Hara on Centre for Policy Studies
Tim O'Reilly on the future of the Internet operating system which has privacy, and sociability without social promiscuity as one of the big challenges of the future.
'How Different are Young Adults from Older Adults When it Comes to Information Privacy Attitudes and Policies?' Hoofnagel, King, Li & Turrow - working paper
Government information and removal requests to Google
'Web Privacy: In Praise of Over-sharing' by Steve Johnson in Time
Risky Behaviours and Online Safety literature review - Samantha Beigler & Danah Boyd

Privacy Enhancing Technology wiki from Center for Internet and Society

Cyber Security
UK National Cyber Security Strategy - Cabinet Office
'Dark Vision' Cyberspace in words and warface - Tim Stevens, Current Intelligence
Tim Stevens articles on Cyber war at 'Kings of War' blog, (Kings College London)
Threat Level - Wired magazine, 'Privacy, Crime and Security, Online'
The Register - Security
'Check the Cyber Hype' in Wired Threat Level - count the number of times an article uses the term 'cyber' to see how much it is trying to scare you.

'Hacker Nation: China's Cyber Assault' Ethan Gutmanm, World Affairs Journal.

The Surveillance Studies Network - the international research and information network on surveillance
Surveillance and Society - the international, interdisciplinary, peer reviewed journal of the SSN
Living in Surveillance Societies - COST action, framework for meetings and workshops
Identity Cards - the national identity cards website
The New Transparency project
Notes from the Ubiquitous Surveillance Society - David Murakami Wood's blog
No2ID - campaigning group against ID cards in the UK
Digideas project - social and ethical aspects of digital identities, at Infonomics and New Media centre
Aaron Martin's twitter feed for surveillance, identity, privacy news
IdentiNet project -the documentation of individual identity, historical perspectives since 1500
Kirstie Ball & Kevin Haggerty's Surveillance and Society editorial on 'Doing Surveillance Studies'.
European Union 'Information Management Instruments' - what the EU does with personal data.
'Top Secret America' Washington Post report on the secret intelligence community in the USA

Cory Doctorow's 'Little Brother' novel (creative commons)

Technology and Politics
How the Internet is changing politics - Mark Pack
How Dictators watch us on the web - Evgeny Morozov in Prospect Magazine, and talking at TED
Wired for War - P.W. Singer's web-site for the rather excellent book of the same name.
Architecture is Policy - Talk from Electronic Frontier Foundation (video)
Gov 2.0 summit 2009 -  Video and presentations
Michael Spector on danger of science denialism (TED video)
TED talks and videos - technology, design, global issues, science
Creative Disruption - blog about forthcoming book by Simon Waldman, about impacts of technologies on business - some of the insights might be applicable to states, or political parties - anything 'established'.
Web Services as Governments - Brad Burnham
'Group think' - article on crowd dynamics research at .CSV 

UK Politics
Election 2010 - Blog on the forthcoming election from School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham
Voter Power Index - discover how much your vote is worth
Vote for policies - presents anonymised policies from main parties, so you pick the party to vote for based on that, not personalities and soundbites.
The Straight Choice - live election leaflet project, crowdsourced collation of election propaganda leaflets
Democracy Club - more political crowdsourcing, candidate answers to survey questions
FullFact - a website dedicated to checking up on 'facts' used in public debate
Liberty - Current Bills

International Relations/ International Security
Danger Room - Wired

Data and Data Visualisation
Information is Beautiful - HM Government, working with public sector data
50 Great examples of data visualisation - web designer depot
Edward Tufte - Author and graphic designer
Woobius Eye - collaborative doodling app - show don't tell
WallStats - the Art of Information

Educational and Political Games (NEW)
Games for Change -
Evoke, A crash course in changing the world
ARGuing - Alternate Reality Games in foreign language education
Persuasive Games
Jane McGonigal - AvantGame - "reality is broken, games designers can fix it."
The Curfew - channel 4 edugame on authoritarianism and youtube channel
notes on Elan Lee talk on ARGs

Journals (this will encompass journals about the above categories, but I'm making them seperate because they'll be behind pay-walls and subscriptions, and I want to keep the above lists open-access. If you have money to burn, or an institutional subscription (a university or library for example), then click away!).

British Politics
Security Dialogue
Critical Studies on Terrorism
Terrorism and Political Violence
Information, Communication and Society
Journal of Information Technology and Politics
British Journal of Poltics and International Relations
Identity in the Information Society (open access)
International Affairs

Boing Boing - where I get exposed to the world
io9 - science fiction, comics, geekery
Lifehacker - where I learn how to do lots of things, which I then don't do, and where I learn about software