Tuesday, 14 August 2012

CFP: Governing digital expression in the information age

Journal of Information Technology and Politics Call for Papers ‘Governing digital expression in the information age: Free‐speech, surveillance and censorship’ 

Guest editors: Helena Carrapico (University of Coimbra/ University of Strathclyde) and Benjamin Farrand (University of Strathclyde) What connects pro‐democracy and protest movements in the Arab world, Europe, and the Americas is not only their democratic aspirations, but also their innovative forms of communication and organization through online means, which are sometimes considered to be outside of the State’ control. At the same time, however, it has become apparent that countries are attempting to increase their understanding of, and control over, their citizens’actions in the digital sphere. This involves development of surveillance instruments, control mechanisms, and processes engineered to dominate the digital public sphere, and necessitates the assistance and support of private actors. Examples include the growing use of Internet surveillance technology with which online data traffic is analyzed and the extensive monitoring of social networks. Despite increased media attention, academic debate on these technologies, mechanisms, and techniques remains relatively limited, as is discussion of the involvement of corporate actors. 

The guest editors of this special issue welcome articles reflecting on how Internet‐ related technologies, mechanisms, and techniques may be used as a means to enable expression, but also to restrict speech, manipulate public debate, and 'manage' global populaces. Articles should be no more than 8,000 words, including references, and should be sent to the guest editors Helena Carrapico (helena.carrapico@eui.eu) and Benjamin Farrand (benjamin.farrand@strath.ac.uk), and officially submitted through the journal’s manuscript submission system (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/witp). All manuscripts should follow APA, 6th Edition formatting guidelines. 

The deadline for submission is October 31, 2012. Please contact the guest editors with any questions regarding the special issue.

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Representing Surveillance, Privacy and Identity Technology

Towards the tail end of the VOME project, working at Cranfield, I was trying to get some input for artistic projects by David Benque and Austin Houldsworth on representing surveillance, privacy and identity technology,. As part of this, I asked around for comment and suggestions. I had the following responses which I've collated together. I'd been meaning to post this for a while. 

Many thanks to John Guelke, Christian Bonnici, Aaron Martin, Bernd Stahl, Chiara Fonio, Athina Karatzogianni, James Harding, Jason Pridmore, Dan Trottier, Kevin Haggerty, Stuart Reeves, Kristen Veel, Kirstie Ball and Gavin Smith for their help with this. They each answered the following questions:

1) If there was one concept or idea regarding the topics of privacy, surveillance, and identity technology that you wished was better understood by the general public, what would it be? Why is this idea important?

2) Are there topics or issues in this area that you feel are particularly difficult to grasp?

There was a range of responses, and I think they make interesting reading.

You can download the pdf from here