Tuesday 19 January 2010

Politics, Technology and Surveillance - Talk at Royal Hollway Information Security Group

This Friday, I've been invited to give a talk to the Socio-Technial Studies group at Royal Hollway's Information Security Group. I'm quite looking forward to this, I'll repost the blurb from the website.

The talk will demonstrate the importance (and usefulness) of politics to issues of technology and surveillance (normally, the speaker works the other way, convincing other political scientists of the importance of technology). It starts with an overview of political science – what is it that a political scientists does, and how do they think about the world – distilling a set of core ‘sensitivities’ of political science. It then takes these sensitivities and applies them to technology research, coming up with a number of working assumptions and questions to ask. The paper takes a detour through the
developing field of ‘surveillance studies’ before presenting a short piece of interdisciplinary research on political surveillance on online social networks to demonstrate some of those working assumptions in action.

Slides for the presentation below. I'm aware that once again, there's not a lot of text on them. I'd quite like to get an audio recording of this talk uploaded if I can.

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