Tuesday 30 March 2010

Russian Counter-terrorism - a critical appraisal.

Asaf Siniver's edited collection 'International Terrorism Post 9/11: Comparative Dynamics and Responses' has just been published by Routledge

Ces Moore
and I contributed the chapter 9 - 'Russia and Counter Terrorism: A Critical Appraisal'

to quote the blurb:

This multi-cultural study of counter-terrorism strategies identifies common lessons from failed and successful attempts to counter the terrorist threat and provides guidelines for an effective counter-terrorism strategy. The book explores the changing dynamics of terrorism from a range of perspectives – from the global threat posed by home-grown terrorism in North Africa and the larger security dimensions in the Middle East, to the various strategies employed by western and non-western societies in their efforts to develop effective counter-terrorism strategies. Core themes in the book include the divergent dynamics of the phenomena categorised under the 'terrorism' label, and the domestic, national and regional variants of international terrorism. As such, the book offers in-depth analysis of the relationship between the local and the global, both in the root causes of, and responses to, terrorism since 9/11.

With the chapter on Russia, we brought together Ces' research on the Caucasus, with an attempt to look at the role of technology in the process. It turns out that some of the Chechen groups were early adopters of web communication to try and gain support for their causes. Also that Russian counter-terrorism efforts have taken this into account, combining traditional military strategies with efforts to shut down servers and the like.

No doubt, Russian counter-terrorism efforts are going to be in the news at the moment, with bombings in Moscow. NY times & Guardian reports.

Update: Ces has written an article on the recent bombings for The Guardian, it identifies the context and the history of these attacks.

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