Saturday, 20 September 2008

playing the identity card (again)

I finally have my copy of Playing the Identity Card, after a couple of emails to Routledge chasing it up. It took longer to get to Japan than it did to Malvern. I'm very happy to have it in my hands, and will have a read through everybody else's chapter in the very near future (I read early drafts from the workshop, but I'm sure there's been revisions).

I've also volunteered to give a presentation as part of the weekly Departmental Seminar Series in POLSIS, University of Birmigham, on the 15th of October. 'Identity and Technologies of Surveillance'. Which is nice and broad but is basically a 'hi, this is me, I work here but haven't had the chance to tell all of you about my work properly, this is what I've been doing' opportunity, so I'll cast the net broadly, but basically use thesis stuff + identity cards, maybe a little bit of 'resistance to' from the speed cameas paper (which I finished a draft of and sent over to Helen). I'll either be riding high from the viva, or will need something to get me back on the politics of surveillance horse if I've fallen off. Enough equestrian metaphors.

Finally, my paper at Ethics of the War on Terror at Leicester has been moved to 11.15 or so on the Thursday morning, because I have to head up to Manchester on the Friday for a Re-Design project team meeting. Dr Gillian Youngs at the University of Leicester has been very helpful in re-arranging. I'll be talking about The Ethics of Resilience, including what its supposed to be, why the government thinks its a good idea and are promoting it, and what the political and ehical consequences of this advocacy might be.

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